Saturday, December 30, 2023

Taking Stock of "What is"

It's so easy for me to turn in on myself, to turn my back on the what I love to do when things get hard. This morning, I went on Instagram and saw updates from other friends pursuing their dreams as writers. Just seeing their faces (not even reading their posts) made me feel like a loser because I'm a writer who is not writing. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

KAD's Like Me

On Saturday mornings at 9:00am, six to twelve Korean American adoptee women, myself included, do something they've done countless times for many different reasons; log on to a Zoom meeting. Unlike the meetings I usually attend, PTA meetings, author/film-maker webinars, 12- step groups, this one leaves me with a profound sense of belonging, I dare say, I've never felt before.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Birthday Gauntlet


This weekend marks the last of the household birthday celebrations that all cluster around the same week at the end of April. Son turning thirteen, another sixteen, and husband turning studio 54. This week-- lovingly dubbed the "birthday gauntlet" is a predictable major source of stress for me each year. 

I think it's because I feel responsible for making my kids' days fun and special so I worry excessively and put pressure on myself-- but I also enjoy it.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Best Day I've Had In A Long Time

In love with the color combo of these flowers from my walk

Yesterday was miraculous, but also nothing special. It was one more day that I didn't reach for the kind of foods that trigger my compulsion to overeat. Because of this, I was able to do one thing after the other, without falling into the alcoholic food trap that stops me in my tracks and sends me into a dark tunnel of self-pity and loathing. It was just an average day. I drove my son to school, did my program work, went for a walk, picked up kids, made dinner... but it was the best day I've had in a long time. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Sultry Sugar Dance

This morning on my way to dropping off my son at school, my head was having all sorts of obsessive thoughts about food. Being the day after Valentine's and all, she entertained fantasies of buying discounted candy and the sensation of imported Swiss milk chocolate melting slowly on her tongue and the soft, spongy sweet first bite of cake. Thank God I finally realized, these are the thoughts of a diseased mind and didn't act on them.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Breaking Through

This is not going to be coherent. It's not going to be a well-thought-out essay, with a main idea and ideas to support it and a thoughtful, meaningful conclusion. It's not going to be an engaging short story about anything super imaginative. It's going to be just writing for the sake of writing. It's going to exist because the pressure I put on myself is immobilizing and I need to break though it.